Saturday, November 14, 2009

Task 12: Writting a brief essay.

Thesis of the essay: An ethic professional choose correctly his profession.

In Chile, the students that graduate from scholar education have to take the Test for University selection (PSU), and be able to enter at the superior education. The PSU is a standard test that allows the system of selection that classifies the student’s accord economic, social and politic criteria. With that the society puts limits and restricts the election of choosing a career that you want to study, since the educative system at be subordinated to the neoliberal economy, conceived the education as a business, were only the student that have purchasing power can study, otherwise debt a long time for enters at superior education and thus accomplish the end of this one, get a profession.

What happens to those people that enters at the education career and it is not what they wanted for their lives and must work with people with feel, think and act?

The problem happens when, at be dissatisfied with his labor, the teacher makes his duty wrong, that means he can´t motivate his students, doesn´t show will, interest, or the responsibility needs to practice discipline and love to his work and thus this reflects in that his students can´t achieve to learn, since they doesn´t get a proper environment were the educator transmit his joy for teaching.

What happens when the end of education can´t be achieve although the vocation of the professionals?

It´s important that the professional when faces this challenge can be able through his reasonableness, creativity and impetuosity overcome these difficulties and create the means necessary to achieve his goal, teach. For a professional that teaching makes him happy, will find every mean necessary for his students to learn, otherwise for the professional that teaching wasn´t what he wanted for his life, will complies with the reality that he has and won´t do much for his students to learn.

As a way of conclusion I argue that, an ethic professional choose correctly his profession.

I make this thesis in general for all the professionals, as Aristotle would say, the common good it´s above the individual, what I mean it´s if everyone choose correctly his profession everyone will be happy with their jobs and this benefit everybody, cause beyond other ends like money, each person would choose his profession because it produce satisfaction or pleasure to them and because it correspond to a greater good.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Post 9: Improving four faculty facilities.

The current situation in my faculty is a moment of transition because it`s about to get approve a financial plan to Gomez Millas in order to the bicentenary.

The things that must improve is the infrastructure for the education career (in fact it would be better if we have our own education faculty but with the same science formation), more money to solvent projects, hire more teachers because we have few plant teachers. The staff that currently exist are very independent and doesn`t work with each other so that it is a thing to improve. We also need a better library with specific education bibliography.

The first step I believe it is to make some research and ask to students, teachers and workers so they can give their point of view of what should improve in the faculty and so take decisions in function of these needs instead of others.

I personally solve this situation with a better use of the resources, as financial and human, and a better management from the authorities.

The improvements would be more space in the classrooms so we don`t be with few space so we can improve our understanding in class. A better bibliography in the library would improve in our acces for the education information because the current available aren´t enough.

The next step must be a more participation from the students so in hands with the faculty staff can work together to solve and improve the live and infrastructure in the campus.