Friday, October 2, 2009

Post 5. What to do/ Where to go in Santiago

Santiago is the capital of Chile, there are a lot of pollution, the center of Santiago is so crowded that it is almost impossible to walk quietly in the mornings and afternoons. Santiago is a place that has lots of places for fun and interesting places. You can have fun taking a drink, coffee or dancing in neighborhoods such as Brazil, Bellavista and Ñuñoa Square. As also can visit interesting places culturally as natural history museum, Bellas Artes, Or visit symbolic places such as Cerro Santa Lucia Hill, San Cristobal Hill, or you can go to the Cathedral, La Moneda, the Castle Hidalgo, craft fair of Santa Lucia, etc. Now if you want to listen good classical music you can go to the theater at the University of Chile located in Baquedano subway station or go to the Municipal Theater, if you are interested in popular music, you can visit the SCD located in Bellavista, the Victor Jara Stadium, as you can go to see plays at Bellavista.
Definitely a place to visit is the amusement park of Fantasilandia where games are very fun and adrenaline for children, youngs and adults. But if you want to go somewhere interesting is the Interactive Museum MIM, you can find many explanations about the science and learn about it through plays.
If you want to go outdoors and have fun you can go to Forest Park, the Quinta Normal, the Intercommunal and there you can make a barbeque and share with your friends.

The place I like best is Plaza Ñuñoa because it is a quiet neighborhood where you can share in a pub or a nice restaurant with friends or family.

1 comment:

K.Spiess said...

MInka :)
Both recommend the same places. Maybe it's because they are the best sites to visit there in Santiago or not?
see you in class.