Saturday, November 14, 2009

Task 12: Writting a brief essay.

Thesis of the essay: An ethic professional choose correctly his profession.

In Chile, the students that graduate from scholar education have to take the Test for University selection (PSU), and be able to enter at the superior education. The PSU is a standard test that allows the system of selection that classifies the student’s accord economic, social and politic criteria. With that the society puts limits and restricts the election of choosing a career that you want to study, since the educative system at be subordinated to the neoliberal economy, conceived the education as a business, were only the student that have purchasing power can study, otherwise debt a long time for enters at superior education and thus accomplish the end of this one, get a profession.

What happens to those people that enters at the education career and it is not what they wanted for their lives and must work with people with feel, think and act?

The problem happens when, at be dissatisfied with his labor, the teacher makes his duty wrong, that means he can´t motivate his students, doesn´t show will, interest, or the responsibility needs to practice discipline and love to his work and thus this reflects in that his students can´t achieve to learn, since they doesn´t get a proper environment were the educator transmit his joy for teaching.

What happens when the end of education can´t be achieve although the vocation of the professionals?

It´s important that the professional when faces this challenge can be able through his reasonableness, creativity and impetuosity overcome these difficulties and create the means necessary to achieve his goal, teach. For a professional that teaching makes him happy, will find every mean necessary for his students to learn, otherwise for the professional that teaching wasn´t what he wanted for his life, will complies with the reality that he has and won´t do much for his students to learn.

As a way of conclusion I argue that, an ethic professional choose correctly his profession.

I make this thesis in general for all the professionals, as Aristotle would say, the common good it´s above the individual, what I mean it´s if everyone choose correctly his profession everyone will be happy with their jobs and this benefit everybody, cause beyond other ends like money, each person would choose his profession because it produce satisfaction or pleasure to them and because it correspond to a greater good.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Post 9: Improving four faculty facilities.

The current situation in my faculty is a moment of transition because it`s about to get approve a financial plan to Gomez Millas in order to the bicentenary.

The things that must improve is the infrastructure for the education career (in fact it would be better if we have our own education faculty but with the same science formation), more money to solvent projects, hire more teachers because we have few plant teachers. The staff that currently exist are very independent and doesn`t work with each other so that it is a thing to improve. We also need a better library with specific education bibliography.

The first step I believe it is to make some research and ask to students, teachers and workers so they can give their point of view of what should improve in the faculty and so take decisions in function of these needs instead of others.

I personally solve this situation with a better use of the resources, as financial and human, and a better management from the authorities.

The improvements would be more space in the classrooms so we don`t be with few space so we can improve our understanding in class. A better bibliography in the library would improve in our acces for the education information because the current available aren´t enough.

The next step must be a more participation from the students so in hands with the faculty staff can work together to solve and improve the live and infrastructure in the campus.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Post 8: Music... What I think about it?

My favourite kind of music is folk music, specially american folk, because their melodies and lyrics have a social content and often, they talk about the life experiences of the composers. Also, this kind of music represents my moods (if I’m angry, happy, etc).

I don’t have a particular favourite music band or a favourite singer, because there’re many singers that I like. But... if I have to mention someone, I prefer Victor Jara, Mercedes Sosa (who died recently), Isabel Parra, Los Jaivas, Manuel García, Silvio Rodríguez, Paco Bello, and a lot of other musicians… but now I don’t have time to write about them.

I like that singers, because they have an special way to express their thoughts, emotions and beliefs, regardless of the consequences. I refer especially to Victor Jara that despite the repression that the country was singing and I fight until the last consequences, death.

Although I like many songs, I don't buy or have any CDs of these singers, but thanks to technology I can listen to on You Tube every day or you could ask my boyfriend if he can get off the songs that I like.

I must say that I've never been to a concert, because I don't like to be in a place full by people, I prefer to be quiet in my house, listening my tunes (the perfect way to chill out).

I can tell you that I come from a musical family, but... I can not play any instruments. I have to admit that I never made the attempt to touch one, but however, I like the guitar and percussion. As my father and brothers are musicians, they teach me to read music (a composition), but I can read a basic one.

I really like music but I must say I'm not very good singing, I'm so out of tune, and therefore I'm embarrassed to sing in front of people. For that reason I've never sung at a karaoke bar, I only sing when I'm alone in the shower, but lately I have not had much time to do this because with my son and all university obligation, I have little time to do all.

I think music is very important to my life, because it is a light to keep on. I feel so good listening music, because I can express myself through his lyrics and melodies; music is the perfect item to complement the spiritual balance, especially because it gives an identity to the person, the society and culture where we live, because it represents what we are.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Task 7: Don´t close the book on bedtime stories

The news that I chose was: Don't close the book on bedtime stories. Writhed by Alison Flood in the journal guardian.c

The author tells about the bedtime stories before of sleep. And how about this favors the language skills like expression and imagination

I choose this news because I think that tell histories before to sleep to our children, specially to young ones, favor different dimensions of the human, because favor the interest for the reading, makes possible the incorporation of new vocabulary, it helps to have a better understanding in reading and writing, allows you to fly with the imagination and above all favor the link between fathers and sons.

As the news currently raises, the parents aren’t spending time, especially in the nights to tell stories to their children. The reasons could be that the hard work of the day result in a tired night and the only thing that they want is to rest. Unfortunately this is affecting the reading development of the children and it reflects when they enter into school because they have problems when they activate their skills for write, read and specially to understand.

I must say that this isn´t the only factor that influence in poor speech skills, but also the role that play the school, because it´s his mission, together with the family, to build learning skills in boys and girls.

You can found this article in the next link:

Greetings in Thursday 15 October 2009.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Post 6: My favourite film is Braveheart

I love go to the cinema. In fact with my boyfriend we were going to the cinema would often. But lately we cannot been to the movies because our son was born, and we cannot go because we have no time, but we can watch a movie at our house, but lately I'm so tired I fall asleep before the movie starts.
The last movie I saw in the cinema was the Ice Age 3, and I found it very funny and with very good animations.
I hardly rent films because my brothers in law use to buy them or download from internet.
My favorite film is Braveheart, by Mel Gibson, he represent William Wallace. Gibson is the actor and director in this movie. The film begins when William Wallace lost his father and brother in war, and as he was very young his uncle had to educate him. Years later he returned to Scotland with the intention of living in the place where he born.
When the beloved of William, Murron McGlannough (Catherine McCormack) who was secretly married in secret, were murdered by the sheriff of Lanark (because Wallace prevent that the English soldiers rape her), his determination of fight to death to free Scotland from the English yoke has no turning back. His courage, charisma, and intelligence makes that his lines fills with voluntaries like the members of his clan, his friend of childhood, Hamish Campbell (Brendan Gleeson), and the charismatic Irish Steven the madman (David O`Hara),
I can´t remember how many time I’ve see it but I guess that I see it about once by month at least. And also when I catch it on TV I can´t resist and I usually see this very good film.
The very good points about this films is the story (especially because it´s based on a true story), about the life of Wallace and his love story with Murron.
The weak points is that sometimes in the battles you can see some flaws but you can notice those after you see this movies a lot of times.
I definitely recommend it, because it´s a must see, in fact the movie awards several Oscars and others film recognitions.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Post 5. What to do/ Where to go in Santiago

Santiago is the capital of Chile, there are a lot of pollution, the center of Santiago is so crowded that it is almost impossible to walk quietly in the mornings and afternoons. Santiago is a place that has lots of places for fun and interesting places. You can have fun taking a drink, coffee or dancing in neighborhoods such as Brazil, Bellavista and Ñuñoa Square. As also can visit interesting places culturally as natural history museum, Bellas Artes, Or visit symbolic places such as Cerro Santa Lucia Hill, San Cristobal Hill, or you can go to the Cathedral, La Moneda, the Castle Hidalgo, craft fair of Santa Lucia, etc. Now if you want to listen good classical music you can go to the theater at the University of Chile located in Baquedano subway station or go to the Municipal Theater, if you are interested in popular music, you can visit the SCD located in Bellavista, the Victor Jara Stadium, as you can go to see plays at Bellavista.
Definitely a place to visit is the amusement park of Fantasilandia where games are very fun and adrenaline for children, youngs and adults. But if you want to go somewhere interesting is the Interactive Museum MIM, you can find many explanations about the science and learn about it through plays.
If you want to go outdoors and have fun you can go to Forest Park, the Quinta Normal, the Intercommunal and there you can make a barbeque and share with your friends.

The place I like best is Plaza Ñuñoa because it is a quiet neighborhood where you can share in a pub or a nice restaurant with friends or family.

Monday, September 28, 2009

My favourite T.V. serial

My favourite T.V. serial it.s Grey’s Anatomy, this serial is a primetime television medical drama.
The story revolves around Dr. Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo), who began the show as a surgical intern at the fictional Seattle Grace Hospital in Seattle, Washington. She and the other former interns became residents at the end of Season 3. The show features an ensemble cast, though Meredith is featured as the central character, providing voice-over narration at the beginning and end of most episodes. The title of the show is an allusion to the anatomy textbook Gray’s Anatomy, and play on the central character’s (Meredith Grey’s) name.
Every episode title comes from the title of a song.
I watch it because my younger sister the see it, but then i keep follow it because the history was exiting and adrenaline because all the medical cases have a lot of action.

Besides in the story there are a lot of romance between Meredith Grey and Derek Shepard (the two protagonist of the history) and their love story changes and evolves in every season.

The other characters are Issy simonds, Christina Yang , George O’Maley, Alex Karev wich are the interns and fellowships of Meredith and friends of her, and for the serial they bring joy, drama and some love.

They play it on Sony Television, the oldest seasons can watch from Monday to Friday at 12 hrs in Spanish language and at 18 hrs in English language. On Monday’s at 23 hrs you can see the new season.

I recommend it because the plot it’s easy to follow and it’s very romantic with a lot of drama and suspense. Besides the medical cases are very entertaining.